Montag, 24. September 2018

Bonca #3: Luxrender

luxrender + blender 2.79b
I textured the bonca a little bit. To see how luxrender came along, I couldn't resist. I let it render for 4 minutes and adjusted light and contrast with gimp.


Mittwoch, 19. September 2018

Bonca #2: remesh

wireframe: front view
wireframe: side view
remeshed model of the bonca with multiresultion

Montag, 17. September 2018

Bonca #1: Dilay

Since everybody is waiting for blender 2.8 and I refuse to work with 2.79 any more I wanted to sculp somthing. After blender 2.8 crashed a few times, I was looking for alternative sculpting tools and found "Dilay", and made a sketch of a creature long forgotten.
Bonca: sketched in Dilay, rendered in blender

This is a creature from "War Wind" called Bonca. I may remesh the model in blender one day.

test scene